
How to host a soup dinner party

The greatest things about hosting a soup party: Dinner can be ready in 20 minutes and the clean up is minimal. Doesn’t get much better than that and besides being easy it’s also fun. Whether you are hosting a soup party for guests or just your family, everyone is going to have fun selecting their […]

Home decor

The scent of Christmas – on a salt ornament

Natural, sustainable and simple fragrant salt dough decoration This is a recipe for homemade scented salt dough garlands and ornaments. Handmade salt dough is easy to make with the children, and these also make great gifts to friends and family. It is more than likely that the ingredients for this project are already in your […]


Cinnamon & Apple everything!

Nothings says autumn more than this combination. Bread, crepes, diffuser blends, oatmeal cups – we have all the details on how to achieve this sweet and spicy goodness. 1. Cinnamon bread Julie’s apple cinnamon bread is our favourite, because her recipe is not just a simple step-by-step recipe, rather than something you can make your […]

Cottage Life

Fall Home Maintenance Checklist

Now that we have somehow accepted summer is definitely over, we thought there still might be a few things lingering around your house & garden that you haven’t thought about storing and taking care of before winter shows up with full frost. So it’s time to tackle a few simple chores that’ll make winter more […]

Cottage Life

How colours help us in our daily life?

How colours help us in our daily life? Wherever we are, wherever we go there are colours around us. From the colour of the sky and clouds, colours of houses, cars, trees, and flowers through colours of our own clothes, jewellery, hair, to colours of our home: walls, curtains, furniture, china, tablecloth, dining ware…. examples […]